Hey all!

So we know how to get into Remote PC (if not, there is a Knowledge Base article on it), but now we have to join our morning meeting- you log into Zoom through Remote PC and notice that you're in, but nobody can hear you and all they see is an empty chair.... No good!

What you have to do instead is in a separate window from Remote PC, log onto a new chrome browser using your Equity & Help account. 

*Pictured is my laptop background with my personal chrome browser; the highlighted one is the E&H one which houses all my bookmarks including Zoom, Chats, etc.

To have this on your home desktop:

Click on a chrome icon.

Click in the upper right corner- here you will find where to sign in. Use your Equity & Help login. 

*I'm already signed in. 

Voila! Your bookmarks are all saved. Use this to get into Zoom or Chats if you want to meet with someone. 

Use your Remote PC window for all of your other work functions. 

Alternatively, you can use Zoom by calling in from your phone: our meeting room number is 844 552 8828. You will have to have Zoom pulled up in a browser or downloaded in order to call in. 

Once again, the purpose of having an E&H browser at home is only to meet on Zoom or chats- ALL OTHER WORK FUNCTIONS ARE TO BE DONE USING REMOTE PC.

Thank you! :)