DATE: 6-22-2021
NAME OF POSITION: Dir of Trusts Services
PERSON’S SENIOR: VP Trusts Operations
PURPOSE (The reason why the position exists): The creation and maintaining of Happy Homes.
VIEWPOINT (The viewpoint that an employee should have, to be successful at the job): We have an
excellent program helping both families that require assistance in obtaining home ownership and the
communities that otherwise would be stuck with vacant and abandoned homes.
COMPUTER SKILLS REQUIRED: Odoo, Microsoft Office, Excel and Google Sheets and general PC
computer knowledge.
SKILLS REQUIRED: Ability to get the job done. Careful and precise with admin required for each
function. Empathy for our families and loyalty to our investors.
Accounting for tax bills for our properties. Ensuring we get bills for each property we own.
Keeping all the bills paid timely to avoid added penalties or fines – or worse, losing a home to a
tax sale.
Monitoring tax transfers to verify we pay what we should and do not pay what we should not
have to.
Audit loan accounts each year to ensure correct fees are applied regarding the monthly tax.
Updating insurance on our homes when required, either because a family purchased or an
investor purchased.
Keep families informed of our insurance, how it works, what it covers, what data to provide me
so I can submit a claim when necessary.
Pay the insurance bill each month and verify.
Handling of Family Situations – this could be assisting them in turning on utilities or requesting
aid from the investor for larger projects in the home or notifying evictions when a family wants
to terminate their contract.
Deeds – I type up the deed if a family pays off their loan or we cash sale a home. Once they
have signed it and notarized – I get that deed recorded. Any sale in MI requires we also get a
deed signed by the family, deeding the property back to us – should they decide to terminate
their contract down the line and do not fully sign off on the termination paperwork.
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I create the loans in the Matrix once a family purchases one of our homes. This entails adding
all the necessary data and ensuring the land contract and amort schedule have the same data. I
also have to qual the insurance and tax data to ensure it is accurate. Insurance and application
forms are downloaded from the Central Property Folder to the Matrix.
Provide Pay-Off Quotes to families requesting them.
1) Paying property tax bills
2) Doing as many tax audits as possible
3) Creating the loans
4) Study 30 mins a week
1) Write a daily Battle Plan (targets for the day)
2) Handle any pending Hangouts communication
3) Answer all your emails
4) Keep the Working From Home sheet as I go
5) Tax audit of account – at least one or two a day
TAX BILLS DATELINE: This statistic provides data to all the execs that the bills are being paid
Families In Homes
Situations Found
Situations Handled
Number of Families in Homes
Days Past Due on Tax Bills Dateline
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Glossary of terms:
Trust (Land Trust): A legal document that can own property. This document has two key roles in
it. The Trustee, who operates as the property owner and handles the asset and the beneficiary
who directs the trustee in all matters relating to the management of the property and receives
all the benefits from the property, as outlined in the trust agreement or deed. There are many
advantages to a Trust which can be explained in detail by your senior.
ABI (Assignment of Beneficial interest: This is our version of a real estate closing. The homes
are owned by a Trust. People don’t technically own trusts, they instead have the beneficial
interest of them, which means they are the ones who make decisions and receive any benefit
from them. So, when you assign beneficial interest for all intents and purposes, you are
transferring the ownership of the Trust and therefore the ownership of the homes.
Comm (Communication: When terminal A originates something, Terminal B receives it then
Terminal B originates a response and Terminal A receives it.
Land Contract/Contract For Deed: A land contract is a form of seller financing. It is similar to a
mortgage, but rather than borrowing money from a lender or bank to buy real estate, the buyer
makes to the real estate owner, or seller, until the purchase price is paid in full.
Amortization: is the process of spreading out a loan into a series of fixed payments over time.
You’ll be paying off the loan’s interest and principal in different amounts each month, although
your total payment remains equal each period
Real Estate: Property consisting of land and buildings.
Fast Start Hat written by:
Angelica Gomez
SVP Ops E&H Inc.