Every month there's a List of weekly/monthly Po and Epo prices and the due dates as followed:

  1. Twilio EPO: Due every week, costs about $250 a week. https://www.twilio.com/console/billing/payment-history
  2. Sendible PO: Due the 2nd of every month, costs $29.00. Send invoice to Treasury. https://app.sendible.com/#manage/subscription
  3. Adobe PO: Due the 4th of every month, costs $29.99. Send invoice to Treasury. https://account.adobe.com/plans/B68329FF87DECC8E19AA
  4. FaceBook ads EPO: Due the 7th of every month, $500 limit, pay as needed. https://business.facebook.com/ads/manager/billing_history/summary/?act=421651098900150&pid=p1&business_id=767816434136856&global_scope_id=767816434136856&page=billing_history&tab=summary&date=1612414800_1627358400
  5. Mailchimp PO: Due the 9th of every month, costs around $164.00, will increase as contacts increases. https://us15.admin.mailchimp.com/account/billing/plans/
  6. Calendly: Due the 12th of every month, costs $15.00. Send invoice to Treasury. https://calendly.com/billing
  7. Google ads EPO: Due the 30th of every month, $500 dollar limit, pay as needed. https://ads.google.com/aw/overview?ocid=540503233&euid=421980474&__u=2693992426&uscid=540503233&__c=1319309817&authuser=1

Then there's PO's that won't be monthly or weekly, it's mainly used for freelancers.  The budget for these needs to be discussed with Berger.