Qual Alerts, ARF’s, IT Tickets, Software Requests, PO’s, and Leaves 

In any business, certain internal issues need to have an official route established to resolve that type of issue in an efficient manner in order for the company to remain productive. This article goes over each of six of these lines in E&H, and discusses which particular issues each of them handle. These lines are not meant to handle every problem that comes up on a post. If your issue does not fit the narrow purpose for any of these routes and you don’t know how to proceed, your best step is to bring it up to your senior and get guidance or hatting. 

The six lines listed in the title above, have each their own module listed in the Matrix Menu for addressing particular types of issues, providing a line for their resolution. It is very important to recognize which type of issue you are trying to handle so that you don’t try to put it on an incorrect line. You don’t write a Qual Alert when you realize you have a need for a Dry Erase Board to use on your post. You send a PO to go through your senior and rest of the lines of approval all the way through Financial Planning. And if your issue doesn’t seem to fit any of these lines, it is best to consult your senior for guidance.

Qual Alert 

One route is to submit a Qual Alert.  The purpose of the Qual Alert is to bring to the attention of Qual, areas where a process or system has flaws or is not working and thus needs correction in order to align with E&H’s goal to provide superior service and returns for the investor. Examples of issues can be found in CEO DIRECTIVE - QUAL ALERTS. Qual would investigate the issue to find the underlying reason and correct this. This could require new or changed policy, study orders for personnel or changes to lines and procedures, as some possible handling. 


This is the original request for approval form for when one needs permission about something that is not part of the normal daily operation of one’s post. Perhaps to rearrange the office, or request additional personnel be added to an area, or you feel you deserve a raise in pay. Some of the other five items can be seen as a kind of request for approval, but they are in their own narrow field of operation and require their own format of request.

IT Tickets --- Software Requests

            These are two different routes to pursue resolution of problematic issues, but both belong in HR to Dept 2B, where IT lives, as you are requesting action from IT. 

You send an IT Ticket when you are having trouble with your computer equipment or in doing things inside a program and need help. (If you want to add a new type of equipment, like a credit card reader or a mouse with special features, to your set-up, see PO's below.)

You send a Software Request when you need added functionality or change to any of the Matrix modules. An example would be when you need a view added to Matrix to show a set of data in a different format or add new columns of data to an existing view.

PO’s/Purchase Orders

            This is to request a purchase of something, a piece of equipment or a service. This request has its own demands for data needed for approval and it’s own line of approval which includes FP (Financial Planning).


This covers the work time related issues: Personal Time Off, Make-up Time requests, Sick days, Production Awards time off, that kind of thing.


Again, ensure you are putting whatever your current issue is, on a correct line to make things run smoothly.