It can come up at times that some families purchasing houses through us abandon the property or go out of

communication with us. The purpose of this job is to get us some information on the property and find out if the

family is still there while also posting a notice on the property.

The first step is to print out the notice. Whatever type of notice is being posted there needs always to be 2

copies of it printed. Ideally the notice would be printed on bright yellow or pink paper. If you only have white paper that

would be fine as well. The first copy would need to be posted on the front door of the property. Photos need to be taken

of the posting. There needs to be one photo up close of the posting to confirm that it is the correct posting being done,

one photo showing the door with the posting on it, and another photo far back showing the posting and the whole

house so that we can confirm it was posted on the correct property. The second copy of the posting needs to be placed

on the back door, or a window that can be easily seen. As with the first posting, at least 3 photos need to be taken to

show the job being done.

The next step is to do an occupancy check. As stated with some families they stop responding or have just

completely left the property all together. Key things to look for would be: Is the lawn overgrown? Are the doors no

longer secure (unlocked, open, damaged)? Is the mailbox full? Are there vehicles in the driveway? Are there lights left

on? Are there children’s play toys in the lawn / on the porch? Etc., etc. What we are looking for are any signs of

occupancy, or anything that would suggest that there are still people living in the property. For this part of the job we

need photos as well while you walk around the property. About 15 photos is generally enough to be able to show what’s

happening with the property. If you circle around the house and take photos while walking around we can have a pretty

good estimate of what’s going on. If the property appears vacant you can walk in. We own all the properties outright

and authorize you as a representative of the company, so there is no trespassing. If there is visibly a family inside of the

property however do not enter.

If any family confronts you to ask you about the notice that was posted then simply tell them to call the number

that is on the notice. You must get evidence however of the notice being posted for us to be able to pay you. If the

family comes out while you are posting the notice just let them know that you have to get the notice posted and photos

of it posted as part of your representation of our company.

As far as payment goes we pay on a Net 14. This means that within 14 days of the job being completed we will

have sent payment to you. After the completion of the job, please send me an e-mail with the photos and your invoice.

If you do not have invoicing software that can generate a .PDF or .DOC of your invoice, please handwrite it and take a

photo of it. We need an invoice to be able to process payments. We pay via PayPal or check in the mail. If you prefer a

check in the mail, please provide a mailing address for us to send the check to. If you prefer PayPal, please provide the e-

mail address associated with the PayPal account for us to be able to send payment to. Do not give your

we just need the e-mail address associated with your account.