No matter which operating system you use, your computer uses folders to organize all of the different files and applications it contains. Folder icons on your computer are designed to look like file folders full of documents or pictures.

Folders on the desktop

Each operating system has its own file system, which helps you find your folders and files. If you have a Windows PC, you'll use the File Explorer (also known as Windows Explorer). If you have a Mac, you'll use Finder. Here, we'll talk about the basic functions that are common to all computer file systems.

Opening your computer's file system

Whether you're using a PC or a Mac, the file system icon will be on the toolbar. On a PC, the File Explorer icon looks like a folder, as in the image below.

On a Mac, the Finder icon looks like a face on the Dock, as in the image below.

Finder in Big Sur OS

In both operating systems, you can also open the file system by clicking a folder from your desktop.

Basic navigation

Whether you're using File Explorer or Finder, basic navigation will work the same way. If you see the file you want, you can double-click it with your mouse. Otherwise, you can use the Navigation pane on the left side of the window to select a different location.


Deleting files

macOS and Windows use a Trash can—or Recycle Bin—to prevent you from accidentally deleting files. These are both apps and are opened using the directions in the section "Open files and applications", below. When you delete a file, it is moved to the Trash can. If you change your mind, you can move the file back to its original location.

moving a file to the recycle bin

If you want to permanently delete the file, you will need to empty the Trash or Recycle Bin. To do this, right-click the icon and select Empty.

emptying the recycle bin

Opening files and applications

Each application on your computer has a group of file types—or formats—it is able to open. When you double-click a file, your computer will automatically use the correct application to open it. In our example, we're opening a Microsoft Word document (Cover Letter), which will open in Microsoft Word.

opening a file

However, there may be times you may want to open an application directly, instead of just opening a file.

  • To open an application in Windows, click the Start button, then select the desired application. A full list should appear to the left, right away, as in the figure below. On some versions of Windows 10, if you don't see a full list, you can click All Programs/All Apps to see the full list. Scroll through the application list in Windows 10, or simply start typing the name of the application on your keyboard to search for it. To the right of this list of apps, There are tiles representing apps you frequently use. You can open one of those by clicking on the tile. To add a tile to this section, find the app in the list to the left, right click on it and choose "Pin to Start" (alternately, click and drag the icon into the tile area. It will still be in the left list but also a tile in the tile area). To remove a tile, right click on the tile and choose "Unpin from Start". In the example below, we're opening Microsoft Edge from the tiles (note the cursor).

opening Microsoft Edge

  • To open an application on a Mac, click the application's icon on the Dock. If you don't see the one you want, click the Spotlight icon in the top-right corner of the screen, then type the name of the application on your keyboard to search for it. In the example below, we're opening Safari.

Opening Safari in Big Sur OS