Step 0: of this flow would be to threaten a termination with the underlying product being a payment plan and good faith payment made immediately. If this occurs, the family routes onto the payment plan. If at any point the family fails the plan, the account then immediately routes to this flow chart. If at any point a family is routed back to Step 0 on this flow, any RF that the family was mid is to be frozen.
Family is routed to evictions: This Flow Chart starts at the point of the family certainly going through Evictions/Terminations. Step 0 of this flow would be to threaten a termination with the underlying product being a payment plan and good faith payment made immediately. If this occurs, the family routes onto the payment plan. If at any point the family fails the plan, the account then immediately routes to this flow chart. The RF for this is started at this point. There are 3 routes, Voluntary, Abandonment, and Legal. All 3 routes have their individual RFs to follow.
Needs handling: This route simply means that the family is not willing to sign termination papers. This splits off into 2 routes: Legal Postings Legal: This is if the family is certainly within the property and has absolutely no intention of leaving or paying to get caught up. This will always be the last resort. If it comes up that the family is certainly in the property and an Eviction Posting may assist in handling the family, the posting route should be attempted first. The legal route is very costly and damaging to the company. Postings: This is if the family is certainly in the property. The efforts in this route are to get the family to decide to voluntarily terminate, or get some sort of affirmation that they have surrendered the house in writing (an e-Mail works). If this effort does not result in voluntary termination the ground work is at least laid out for the account to route into the Legal pathway.
Voluntary: The term "voluntary" is used loosely here. Voluntary simply describes any instance wherein the family signs termination paperwork. Not all "voluntary" terminations will be from families that are co-operative, friendly, willing, etc., etc. Again, this term simply means that the family has signed the paperwork.
Termination Papers Drafted: Termination Papers: Termination Agreement, with move out date written on the cover letter. If there is a Cash for Keys, Cash for Keys drafted and EPO put in ahead of time for the Cash for Keys amount. Termination papers are generally sent via RightSignature. If the family has technical difficulties, the papers will be sent only via USPS Certified with Retun Receipt. If the papers are sent via the mail, the tracking information is logged on the loan, and the tracking numbers are sent also to the family for them to follow along.
Termination Papers Signed: The Termination Agreement and (if applicable) Cash for Keys is signed. Follow the routing form for "Voluntary Teminations." If there is a Cash for Keys attached with the termination, coordinate with Property Preservation to ensure that the property has been re-secured and setup. If there is an extensive trashout or excessive cost outside of the normal set-up cost coordinate with the Div 4 Secretary on the amount to be sent to the family for the Cash for Keys. The Cash for Keys is sent after Property Preservation confirms the set-up has been completed. When the Cash for Keys is sent to the family it is always sent via USPS with Tracking. The tracking information is given to the family for them to track along with the check.
Legal: Please see Patrick for the entirety of this step.
Eviction Posting: The purpose of the eviction posting ultimately is to threaten the family and make the possibility of loss of home a reality. Until this point there generally is no physical existance of EasyHomes. The posting grants a physical reality point to the family letting them know that we are able to reach out and touch the property. If there is NO communication that is made to EasyHomes from the family, or it is blatantly obvious that the house is not occupied (inside empty, mail stacked up, meters shut off, windows broken, doors broken, etc., etc) the next step is an abandonment posting.
Abandonment Posting/Re-Key: The abandonment posting is done to clarify and indicate that the property has been abandoned with reasonable cause. After the State’s legal timeframe we can re-key if the property is abandoned. This posting will occur if: Communication has been given to EasyHomes from Neighbors, the city, Code Enforcement, etc., letting us know that the property appears to be in an abandoned state. An eviction posting was completed and there was no communication back from the family, and the property appears to be abandoned. If there is no comm from the family after the eviction posting but the property still appears to be occupied (mailbox is empty, cars are going in and out of the driveway, grass is cut, house appears well maintained), there is not to be an abandonment posting done.
Property back in the hands of Property Preservations: Property back in the hands of Property Preservations