in order for us to change any fee or charge any new fee to the family (taxes, insurance, utilities, code violation, family fee, etc), whether it was us who changed the fee, or the utility company/insurance/tax people, etc

We are legally not allowed to charge the family a new amount until they've been given notice in writing 30 days prior to the change. THIS IS A LEGAL RUDIMENT

So the step to do before any change is to send an email to the family and a letter to both the property address and the address of the family that can be found on their contact in the Matrix. If no address is on the contact in the matrix or it's the same as the property address then just send one letter to the property address and an email to the email(s) on file.

Email/Letter Template in the case of a change

Dear *insert name*

We are writing to inform you that a fee is being changed on your land contract, the amount for your *insert category name(water bill, Tax bill* is now *insert amount* This change will go into effect within the next 30 days. on your next due date.

We know fee changes can be difficult, but unfortunately the
*insert billing entity name* has raised the amount. Per the land contract, you are now responsible for this new amount. Any complaints or appeals please take it up with *insert billing entity name*

The total monthly amount is now
*insert total amount due here*

Sincerely EasyHomes

Email/Letter Template in the case of a new fee

Dear *insert name*

We are writing to inform you that a fee is being added to your land contract, the fee for  *insert category name(water bill, code violation* is now *insert amount*. This change will go into effect within the next 30 days. on your next due date. * insert a statement as to whether this will be a recurring monthly, yearly, or a one time amount etc*

We know new fees/bills can be difficult, but unfortunately the
*insert billing entity name* has enforced this fee. Per the land contract, you are now responsible for this new amount. Any complaints or appeals please take it up with *insert billing entity name*

The new total monthly amount is
*insert total amount due here* (if this hasn't changed then just say your monthly amount has not changed.)

Sincerely EasyHomes