When going through the mail set aside to mail to AnneMarie;
- All property tax bills for our homes
- Any code violation notices for our homes (I will email to Property Preservation if it is for
a vacant home)
- Any Insurance documents sent to us by OUR insurance company. When a check
arrives scan it and email to me and route the check to Treasury. DO NOT mail the check
to me.
If documents are sent from a different insurance company, just file it in the associated file for that property. It is not anything that needs to be mailed to me first. This just means the family has additional insurance and that insurance company notifies us as we are the owners.
Any tax data regarding our corporation such as 1099’s or request for data regarding income
tax would NOT be mailed to me. This is a Div 3 matter, not Div 4.
It is important we keep it in to mail out the mail pack regularly as getting code violation
notices late can cost the company money. If you are unsure regarding what the piece of mail
is; please open it and determine where it should go based on this list. Thanks.
AnneMarie Salling
Dir of Trust Services
Equity & Help, Inc.